About Islay Book Festival
Founded in 2006, Islay Book Festival grew out of a small book club in the village of Port Ellen into the thriving, volunteer-run event we know today. Set against the stunning backdrop of Scotland’s whisky isle, we are now firmly established within Islay’s busy annual events calendar and Argyll’s wider cultural scene.
Since our first festival in 2006, Islay Book Festival has brought a colourful mix of authors, poets, and storytellers to the Hebrides, including Ali Smith, Ruth Rendell, Val McDermid, Iain Banks, Chris Brookmyre, Julia Donaldson, Alistair Moffat, Mairi Hedderwick, Colin MacIntyre, Bernard MacLaverty and Ian Rankin.
While many of our main events may include a wee dram or two, it’s not always about the whisky! We offer sessions on crime, historical and contemporary fiction, a range of non-fiction and island themes, new writing, children’s events, school visits, poetry, performances, workshops, and lots more.
Providing a platform for Islay’s Gaelic culture is also a key goal of the festival, and every year we send authors to each of the schools across Islay and Jura.
We aim to reach as many class groups as possible, from nursery through to advanced higher, and to offer fun, engaging sessions that inspire our islands’ schoolchildren with an interest in reading, writing and creativity.
Keep checking our festival programme for news and updates as we continue to provide and enhance our festival for authors, their audiences, the island and its many visitors.
Who are we?
Islay Book Festival is planned and delivered by our committee and an enthusiastic team of volunteers!
Our committee:
Emily Arnold-Fernández
David Brooks
Charlène Busalli
Jean Chlebowska
Angus Ferguson
Carolyn Ferguson
Alasdair Goudie
Amy Hannett
Heather Harvey
Lori Jones
Richard Mansbridge
Fiona McDerment
Youth ambassadors:
Jessica Izat
Aurora Rangasamy
Mu Fhèis Leabhraichean Ìle
Air a stèidheachadh ann an 2006, dh’fhàs Fèis Leabhraichean Ìle a-mach à club leabhraichean beag ann am baile Phuirt Ilein gu bhith mar an tachartas soirbheachail as aithne dhuinn an-diugh. Air a suidheachadh mu choinneamh cùl-raon gun choimeas eilean uisge-beatha na h-Alba, tha sinn a-nis làn stèidhichte ann am mìosachan gnìomhach thachartasan bliadhnail Eilean Ìle agus saoghal farsaing cultarach Earra Ghàidheal.
On chiad fhèis againn ann an 2006, tha Fèis Leabhraichean Ìle air measgachadh inntinneach de dh’ùghdaran, bàird agus sgeulaichean a tharraing gu Innse Gall, a’ gabhail a-steach Ali Smith, Ruth Rendell, Val McDermid, Iain Banks, Chris Brookmyre, Julia Donaldson, Alistair Moffat, Mairi Hedderwick, Colin MacIntyre, Bernard MacLaverty agus Ian Rankin.
Ged a dh’fhaodadh mòran de ar prìomh thachartasan a bhith le drama no dhà na lùib, chan eil e a-mhàin mu dheidhinn uisge-beatha! Tha sinn a’ tairgsinn sheiseanan air eucoir, ficsean eachdraidheil is co-aimsireil, raon de thèaman neo-fhicsean is eileanach, sgrìobhadh ùr, tachartasan chloinne, bàrdachd, gnìomhaidhean is bùithtean-obrach.
Tha a bhith a’ solarachadh àrd-ùrlair do chultar Gàidhlig Ìle na phrìomh amas den fhèis, agus gach bliadhna bidh sinn a’ cur ùghdaran gu gach aon de na sgoiltean air feadh Ìle is Diùra.
Tha sinn ag amas air nas urrainn dhuinn de bhuidhnean clasa a ruighinn bho sgoil-àraich troimhe gu àrd-ìre adhartach, agus seiseanan spòrsail gnìomhach a thabhann a bhios a’ brosnachadh clann ar n-eileanan gu sùim a bhith aca ann an leughadh, sgrìobhadh agus cruthachalachd.
Cumaibh sùil air prògram na fèise airson naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh às ùr fhad ’s a tha sinn a’ cumail air adhart a’ leudachadh agus a’ neartachadh na fèise againn do dh’ùghdaran, an luchd-èisteachd aca, an t-eilean agus a mòran luchd-tadhail.